What is Brimacombe Racing's strategy and philosophy?
Brimacombe follows the Alpine Canada Snow Stars development program to efficiently benchmark and develop all components of ski technique. You can find more information on the 7-step program at www.snowstars.ca. Our coaches are CSCF certified and are dedicated to supporting your child in meeting their personal excellence, challenging the athlete in the person while remaining patient and positive with the person in the athlete. Success is measured by change, not results. Competition is a cooperative effort toward excellence and realizing potential based on the amount of effort we put into the sport and the amount of enjoyment we get out of the sport.
How are teams created?
Teams are created based on age with a 1:8 coach to racer ratio. Once a child is registered in a program, they are placed on a team corresponding to their year of birth.
What equipment does my child need?
It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that their child has properly fitting and properly functioning equipment: helmet, goggles, boots, skis, poles, etc. Please refer to the AOA Equipment Guide and Alpine Ontario for program specifics. The team at Brimacombe’s retail store, Slopeside, has all of the equipment and expert advice needed for your racer. Please consult them and support our store, which in turn supports the greater nonprofit organization of Brimacombe.
What happens if my child is injured during training or a race?
All skiers/athletes assume the risk of accidental injury. When someone is injured, the coaching staff will immediately implement our injury and concussion protocol. You can find AOA’s Concussion Policy and Return to Sport steps in their Parent Handbook.
What is an away race day like?
Your Team Manager, who is a volunteer parent from your child’s team, will email a race announcement the week of the race detailing the start time, exact location, and any club specific rules. Be prepared for an early start on race day and, if needed, book hotels well in advance based on the overall race schedule provided at the start of the season and as listed on the AOA website. Please note, schedules can change. You will be notified of when and where to arrive at the host club, generally two hours before the race start time, but always follow your Team Manager’s instructions.
SOD Series races are usually 3 hours long. Coaches are in charge of their team on the hill and will ensure that their racers know the routines. As a parent/guardian, generally you won’t have responsibilities at an away race, unless asked to volunteer, so be a cheering fan! After the race, if there is time and opportunity, coaches will free ski with the racers until it is time for either the medal presentations or departure. This can be a great opportunity for racers to experience new terrain. As a courtesy to all racers, it’s customary to attend the awards ceremony after each race to encourage and support the athletes in our sport, regardless of where Brimacombe athletes place.
If parents or guardians wish to ski at the host club, it’s their responsibility to purchase a lift ticket from the host club. Please always represent Brimacombe Racing with positive and kind communication, and good sportsmanship.
What is a home race day like?
Your Team Manager, who is a volunteer parent from your child’s team, will ask you to volunteer for one of several roles as the host club for a home race day. Your help and enthusiasm is vital to a FUNtastic day! We depend on volunteers to organize and host a smoothly operating and safe event, and we thank you for contributing to a welcome atmosphere and excellent race day at Brimacombe. You will receive a race announcement the week of the race detailing the start time and specifics. Please direct questions to your Team Manager.
I want to get involved. How can I help?
Parents who volunteer have more fun! The continued and enthusiastic support of volunteers makes our race program a success and enjoyment for all involved. Volunteers help manage the teams and host races and special events. Whether it’s installing B-Net, course maintenance, gatekeeping, score keeping, or behind the scenes organizing, there is a place for every parent/guardian on every team. Please introduce yourself to your Team Manager at the start of the season and your interest will be greatly welcomed! For more information on “Parenting a Skier” check out AOA’s Parent Handbook.
How can I get feedback on my child's skill level and progress?
Get to know your coach and ask for a time to talk. Follow this link for AOA coach information.
What is your coach code of conduct?
What is your program harassment policy?
We adhere to the principles and practices of the AOA Abuse Policy & Bullying and Harassment Policy.
I have questions and concerns that aren't answered here. Where do I direct them?
Please start a positive line of communication with your Team Manager, who will bring it forward to the Brim Racing committee.
What is Brimacombe Racing's Cancellation and Refund Policy?
A full refund is offered until November 1st of the season, less a $125 administration fee. A 75% refund will be given if an athlete bows out of the race program by Christmas Break camp, for any reason. Once the regular season begins, refunds will not be given.