U10 & U12 Home Race Dates for 2022
U12 Combi
Sunday, January 30 @ 9:45 am
Girls (both runs); Boys (both runs) right after girls.
Awards at 12:15 pm at the top by Patrol hut.
Results and Photos by Graham Knowles (password required).
U10 Giant Slalom
Saturday, February 5 @ 9:45 am
Girls (both runs); Boys (both runs) right after girls.
Awards at 12:15 pm at the top by Patrol hut.
Results and Photos by Graham Knowles (password required)
U10 Panelled Slalom
Saturday, February 12 @ 9:45 am
Girls (both runs); Boys (both runs) right after girls.
Awards at 12:15 pm at the top by Patrol hut.
U12 Panelled Slalom
Sunday, February 13 @ 9:45 am
Girls (both runs); Boys (both runs) right after girls.
Awards at 12:15 pm at the top by Patrol hut.
U10 Combi
Sunday, February 20 @ 9:45 am
Girls (both runs); Boys (both runs) right after girls.
Awards at 12:15 pm at the top by Patrol hut.
U12 Giant Slalom
Saturday, February 26 @ 9:45 am
Girls (both runs); Boys (both runs) right after girls.
Awards at 12:15 pm at the top by Patrol hut.
U10 Skills Day
Saturday, March 5 @ 9:45 am
Full details to come.
U12 Skills Day
Sunday, March 6 @ 9:45 am
Full details to come.

Rich Thiebaud
Alison Lyver
Peter O'Grady
Head Manager
Geoff Johnstone
Head Coach
Norm Greer
U10 Rep
Mark St. Cyr